Karmbhumi Magazine Article 2024-25 / Publishing Requirements
The theme for this year’s Karmbhoomi magazine is “हिंदू ग्रंथ.”
Karmbhoomi is HindiUSA’s annual, organization-level initiative, coordinated and published by HindiUSA NJ. As always, our goal is to have most of the articles written by HindiUSA students, teachers, parents, and volunteers. However, to keep the magazine concise (between 80 and 100 pages), articles written by students will be limited to the I1-A2 levels. A separate online magazine will showcase projects from the S1-B2 students.
We aim to gather articles from diverse perspectives related to the theme. The theme is divided into the following topics:
Topics for Specific Levels
- रामायण: एक प्रेरक महाकाव्य (मध्यमा-१)
- महाभारत: अच्छाई और बुराई की लड़ाई (मध्यमा-१)
- गीता का ज्ञान (मध्यमा-२)
- वेद: पुराने समय का ज्ञान (मध्यमा-२)
- पुराणों की कहानियाँ (मध्यमा-३)
- उपनिषदों की बातें (मध्यमा-३)
- श्रीमद्भागवत: कृष्ण का जीवन (उच्चस्तर-१)
- रामचरितमानस की कहानियाँ (उच्चस्तर-१)
- शिव पुराण की कहानियाँ (उच्चस्तर-२)
- संतों और ऋषियों की रचनाएँ (उच्चस्तर-२)
- देवी पुराण की कहानियाँ (उच्चस्तर-२)
Topics Open to All Levels
- प्रमुख हिंदू ग्रंथ
- हिंदू ग्रंथों में क्या पाया जाता है?
- हिंदू ग्रंथों का हमारे जीवन पर प्रभाव
- हिंदू ग्रंथों के बारे में रोचक तथ्य
- हिंदू ग्रंथों को कैसे पढ़ा जा सकता है?
- हिंदू ग्रंथों के बारे में आपकी सोच
Additional details about these topics can be found in the attached document.
If a student wishes to write an article that does not fit within these topics but aligns with the overall theme, they are welcome to do so.
Article Submission Process
- Students should submit their articles to their respective teachers.
- Teachers will review the articles, make necessary corrections, and forward them to their level coordinators, copying their school coordinators for records.
- Level coordinators will send the articles to Devendra Ji.
- Devendra Ji will do the final review and forward the articles to Sushil Ji.
Important Notes:
- Advanced Level-1 teachers should submit articles directly to Hansa Ji.
- Do not send articles directly to Sushil Ji; only articles reviewed and forwarded by Devendra Ji will be accepted.
Guidelines for Article Submission
- Each article must have a title and should include a photo of the student, along with 4–5 sentences about the author.
- The photo should only feature the student against a simple background.
- Articles must be original and unpublished.
- Collaborative articles (by 2–3 students) are allowed.
- Teachers should thoroughly review articles to ensure they match the students’ level and are free from grammar and spelling errors.
- Teachers must address cases where students copy articles from the internet or use online translations. Collaborate with the student and their parents to ensure the article reflects the student’s ability.
- Parents may assist their children but should not write articles on their behalf. Parents are welcome to submit their own articles separately.
- Handwritten articles are acceptable but must be reviewed for grammar, and handwriting should not take up excessive space.
Common Submission Issues to Avoid
- Articles missing a title or an appropriate photo (photos should be clear and sized to 1.5x1.5 inches).
- Copied articles from websites, including those with embedded links.
- Non-editable formats such as:
- PDF submissions
- Articles embedded as images in Word documents
- PowerPoint presentations
- Overly formatted submissions with cropped or bordered images.
To simplify the magazine design process, submit articles as simple documents with plain text and images attached separately.
You are encouraged to secure advertisements for the magazine. Rates are as follows:
- Up to ½ page: $200
- More than ½ page (up to a full page): $300
The last date to submit articles to Devendra Ji is February 15, 2025. Teachers are advised to set earlier deadlines for students to allow time for review and corrections.
Note: While we strive to publish as many articles as possible, submission does not guarantee publication.