Edison Hindi School, New Jersey

Welcome to Edison Hindi School, New Jersey

Edison Hindi school a model school of HindiUSA, this is largest Hindi school of HindiUSA. This school established in 2005 with 150+ student and now 500+ students, 66 teachers, 45 volunteers (including school management team). School produced more than 200+ graduates, many of them are continue giving their services to teach Hindi, where they teach and keep in contact with language. Other than teaching Hindi, school also celebrate Indian festivals and historic days to keep kids connected with their roots. HindiUSA as organization conduct KPP (3 level poem competition, School level, Semi-final and Final), Mahotsav (2 days annual day celebration where more than 1500+ students take part in cultural program and showcase their talent)

Our Vision

learn one teach all

Edison Hindi School, New Jersey
Edison Hindi School, New Jersey

Our Mission


Meet Our Teachers